Learn how to set priorities of your life in 2019

When you think that you want to live your life, then what comes to mind? Do you see yourself traveling the world, writing a book, or making your own business? Although you choose to live your life, most likely will determine how you have set your priorities. When you want to make changes in your life, it is important to know what is most valuable to you. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to find out when you are always in a fast lane and you start focusing on what you originally wanted in the first place.

"We all live this busy life these days and it is challenging to do everything on our to-do list. To ensure that you are able to focus on your priorities, it is important that whatever You ask yourself 'why' behind it. Once you understand why something is important to you, it becomes easy to follow along with it. Once you search for your 'why' you can also find that your preferences sometimes change too.

So how can you find out what is most important so that you can set your preferences straight? Well, it starts with you. "It starts with you. You should be committed to making time for yourself. Due to the details of life, your eyesight can surround you, which is most important to you.

If you want to get a clear picture where you want to keep your life on the peak,

Here are 13 ways you can know how you want to take charge of your life by setting your priorities directly 

1. What is important for you –

Before you can set your preferences, you need to find out what they are. When you do not know what your goals are, then you will only waste your time. You have limited time and energy, so you need to determine what your top two preferences are at any time. For example, someone is looking for a new job as well as looking for new apartments. In this case, to which thing you give your priority either find a new job or to find an apartment? I suggest that you first search for a job. Once you land it then you can search your apartment anywhere near your new office.

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2. Create an Action Plan 

It's time to put your thoughts into work. Take a few moments to plan where you would like to see yourself in the next few months or years. To help fulfill your desires, align those dreams with your priorities. "Give it down to the person who is looking for a new job, with specific details about the type of salary, place, and role as well as your strengths and what you want to learn/expand in the next 12 months. Then create an action plan: Set up a job alert, modify your resume, network with two people each week, etc.

3. Specify specific time slots for any job 

Sometimes it is all about setting a specific time. Within a few minutes, you can feel that you can accomplish much after setting a real-time for a task on your calendar. "It is important to remember that setting aside time for things that are real We often do not specify the time to do any work, due to which the work can not be completed or remain incomplete.

4. How you want to live your life –

Another great way to keep your priorities straight is to know how you want to live your life. If you want to work only a certain amount of hours per week, but your current job prevents you from doing so, finding a new job can be an example in your to-do list. "It is important to keep your priorities straight so you are living a life of purpose and fulfillment which is good for you. When you keep your priorities straight and know what is important to you, then you are your intentions and what are you doing.

5. Talk to a mentor –

Talking to a mentor can open your eyes for problems you have never noticed. They can help you see things from a different perspective and can challenge that you focus on what should be equal to zero in your life. "If you are not sure what is most important, then talk to a mentor as well as friends. They can not only be able to help you in the matter of practicality but also can help you in setting your priorities.

6. Map your daily actions –

Have you ever felt so motivated to make changes in your life, but in a few days, have you retreated from your old habits? What you need to do every day to keep you motivated and focused, stop it by mapping it. Also, estimate the time required for each task and what you can do every day to stay on track. You can easily set your priorities by mapping your daily tasks.

7. Remove the distraction –

If you want to set your priorities directly, then you need to get rid of distractions. Turn off the TV and throw your phone out of the window (I mean eliminate it), it's time to focus on improving your life and leaving the distractions. To set your priorities, set aside time on your calendar, start calling yourself on such things so that you can clear the disorder. Set a timer on social media if you have to do this too, Then you will be surprised how much time you find to pursue your priorities.

Related - Best 12 practical ways to avoid distraction and sharpen your focus in 2019 

8. Take time to reflect –

This means separating the block of one hour or the time where you close your phone, keep the pen on the paper and tell yourself that even though you have one lakh things going on, this is a priority. You also try to set your priorities, it is not that everything will be done on one hand. It will take some time for you to know that your priorities are being set slowly.

9. Be Honest With Yourself –

You have to check your priorities with reality. Keep an eye on how much time to spend on things each week for at least a week or maybe two. Finally, compare the reality of your time with your priorities. Are you giving the right time what matters most to you? If not, then why not? What can you do to make your real priorities number one in your life? Make the appropriate changes to what your reality is. To say this, but sometimes you need to hit with a healthy dose of reality, to realize what you really want. While you do not want to put too much pressure on yourself, you need to be honest with yourself to find out. What is the most important?

10. Make a list –

For myself, there is nothing more satisfying than making the list. It's a great way to see what I really value so that I can find out what my next step should be. When we feel overwhelmed, it can be challenging to find out what our priorities are because everything can feel equally important. A great tip to keep your priorities straight is that you write everything in your mind. Just put it out on paper. Once you see it in front of you, it seems already more manageable. From there, rate each item on its value from one to ten scale. By doing this you will be able to determine which priorities should come first.

11. Take action in small steps –

If you start feeling overwhelmed with your priorities, then take a step back and remember to breathe. You do not need to be superman to set up your priorities directly. The only person who needs to make you happy is himself, and the more you realize that you can feel better. Remember that we can not do everything at all, but we can commit commitments in small steps and build on them from there.

12. Remember that this is normal for changing your priorities –

As you grow older, your preferences will change the most. But do not consider this a bad thing. Consider the fact that over time you have matured and you are most important, just need to repeat. First of all, we need to be aware of the fact that our priorities will change in our lives and circumstances. Some priorities will be such that we focus on the long term and focus on other priorities that are happening now.

13. Check yourself regularly –

When you know what your priorities are, check with yourself to make sure that you stay focused and win them. Determine the date of a coffee with yourself in your calendar so that you do not forget. Check with yourself regularly, often! Ask whether your priorities are still serving you? Are You Responsible for Living Your Life on Your Terms?

If you need some time then do not be disappointed to know what your priorities are, you can set them straight. Be kind to yourself and remember that changes in your priorities over time are completely normal. After all, with a little patience, you can find out what is most important.
