5 things you need to know about how to handle rejection in life

5 things you need to know about how to handle rejection in life

"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually re-directed to something better." - By 
Dr. Steve Maraboli

Have you ever noticed that how to be rejected will prevent some people from trying again, while others bounce back with disapproval compared to the previous ones? Everyone experiences a feeling of rejection, but mentally strong people use that pain to strengthen and become better. The feeling of rejection has a different effect on everyone. It completely depends on us how we want to handle it.

Whether you were excluded from a social association, or you were passed for a promotion, the rejection hurts. Everybody lives only in the face of rejection. Often people consider this rejection as a failure and give up, which is wrong. Instead of running away from the Reject, we should face it and make ourselves better by eliminating its root cause.

Here are 5 ways which you need to know about how to handle rejection in life

1. They accept their feelings –

Rather than suppressing, ignoring or denying pain, mentally strong people accept their feelings. They accept when they are embarrassed, sad, disappointed. They trust their ability to deal with their uncomfortable feelings, which are necessary to cope with their discomfort in a healthy way.
Both rejection and acceptance are necessary for life. Because without rejection we will not able to know that what we are doing is whether right or not, and without acceptance we will not realize that what the success is. The best way to deal with such feelings is to face feelings them and to find a way to deal with them.

2. Look at the rejection as evidence that you are pushing your bundles –

The mentally strong people know that the rejection works as evidence that they are living a whole life. They sometimes expect to be rejected, and they are not afraid to go for it, even when they suspect that this rejection can be a long shot.

If you never reject, you can stay far away in your comfort zone. You can not make sure that you are pushing yourself to your extent until you go down every time. When you are rejected for a project, you pass for a job, or you are rejected by a friend, then you will know where you are standing at life and where you want to go and for moving forward what other changes do you need yourself.

3. Treat yourself with compassion –

Instead of thinking, "You are so foolish to think that you can do this," Strong people treat themselves with kindness. They answer negative self-discussions with a compassionate, more convincing message. Talk to yourself like a trustworthy friend. Repeat the helpful chants and take out your harsh internal critic who will keep you mentally strong. If you ever get a Rejection of Life, then instead of blaming yourself, look at your mistakes and improve them.

4. Rejections never define you that “Who you are” –

When they are rejected, strong people do not do extensive generalization. If a company rejects them for a job, they do not declare themselves ineligible. Or, if they are rejected by the same love interest, then they do not conclude that they are unrecoverable. They do not see the rejection as negative.
Never a person's opinion, or the same event, define who you are. Do not let your self-worth depend on other people's opinions. Just because someone thinks something about you, this does not mean that it is true. Make your identity yourself.

5. Learn from Rejection –

The mentally strong people ask themselves, "What did I gain from this?" That's why they can learn from rejection. Rather than just tolerating the pain, they transform it into an opportunity of self-development. With each rejection, they become stronger and become better. Regardless of what you need to know about the areas in your life that need improvement because you know that rejection can be a good teacher. Use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more knowledge.

Conclusion –

Rejection cannot decide that you are enough capable to achieve anything in life or not. It totally depends on you that how you handle rejections in your life and learn from them. Use the above given tips to handle rejection in your life and move forward.

What do you think, these points can work for you or not? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.
