The ultimate guide to conquer self-doubt in 2019

How to overcome from self-doubt

The insecurity kills more dreams than the lack of talent. By believing things like "I will never get promoted" or "I can not compete with other businesses" will change your self-doubt into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We all sometimes feel self-doubt, even if we are full of confidence. But, mentally strong people cannot prevent self-doubt from reaching their goals. 

Here's how to keep you away from self-doubt –

1. Embrace a little self-doubt –

Do not worry about a little self-doubt, because a little insecurity can actually increase your performance. A 2010 study published in the Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that those who experienced a little self-doubt actually did better than those who were fully confident in their skills. Similar studies have been found in other studies.

So instead of waste energy, worry that your self-doubt is actually a message from the universe that you have a warning that you are going to fail, recognize that self-doubt can be helpful. Maybe you will spend more time in rehearsing or maybe you will be in more effort when you find out there is such a chance that it can not be easily done.

2. Check the evidence behind your thoughts –

When you face serious self-doubt, then check the truth behind your thoughts. Ask yourself, "What proof do I have that I can not do?" Then ask yourself, "What proof do I have that I can do this?" Write your answer on a piece of paper.

Seeing the facts can help you see things in a more realistic way. Although this practice can not eliminate all your self-doubt, investigating facts can help reduce your insecurity.

3. Consider the worst case scenario –

Self-doubts are fueled by horrible predictions like "I'm going to mess everything up." When you estimate yourself that things will get spoiled, ask, "What can be the worst thing?" If you make a mistake, will it really be bad?

Remind yourself that even though things go a long way, it is unlikely to change the life. Losing one game, stumbling on your lines, or failing to get a promotion may not be enough in some years. Placing things in a proper perspective can help to calm your nerves.

4. Keep an eye on your feelings –

Your emotions play a major role in your thoughts and behavior. As long as you do not take steps to regulate your emotions, suspicious feelings can wind up suspicious thoughts and may spoil your performance.

Note how your emotions affect your choice. If your anxiety is skyrocketing, calm your body and your mind by taking a deep breath or distracting yourself from self-doubt. Do not allow your short-term inconvenience to affect your performance.

5. Focus on your current performance –

Whether you are stepping on a stage or running in the athletic field, your little doubt will distract you from your performance. So instead of allowing your inner monologue to pull you down, focus on the present.

Before you make a great leap in what you are feeling suspicious about, give yourself a quick talk. Saying "All I can do is my best" will remind you that you do not need to try for perfection. With that reminder, you will be better equipped to keep your energy on your performance.

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