How to manage your relationships in life
How to manage your relationships in life |
Here are some tips to manage relationships –
Listen Effectively –
Listen Effectively |
The level of attention, when you know the other person is really listening to you, makes you feel valued. It makes you feel safe, understood, and important. Being heard validates you. Now think about a time when you had something to say, but you didn't get that level of attention. The other person was distracted, looking at their phone, clearly thinking about something else, or mentally lining up their response without acknowledging your words. You felt ignored, diminished, and inconsequential. Their inability or unwillingness to really hear you felt like a slap in the face. Unfortunately, the art of being a good listener is becoming more and more of a lost art. Face to face and even phone conversations are no longer the primary way we communicate. The gatekeepers of our interactions are the computer and cell phone where we email or text in terse, abbreviated, and frequently misunderstood communicates. So, before presenting your perspective about anything or anyone first you need to listen carefully. By becoming, an effective listener can help you to make better changes in your relationships and also end of the conflict in it.
Anger is a waste of time –
Anger is a waste of time |
Anger will make to non-understandable in any situation. It will lead you towards in that situation where you always wants the things to go according to you and not according to others. It’s not uncommon for anger to arise in every person sometimes. I think we can all agree that there are situations and people that can cause us to go from peaceful to angry in a quick minute. When you get angry, how do you deal with it? Do you start screaming? Do you slam doors? Pout? Throw things? Or do you take a more positive approach and deal with it in a way that is considered healthy? Everyone gets angry sometimes -- it's human nature. The important thing is how you react to and control feelings of anger. Manage your feelings appropriately, and your relationships don't have to be negatively affected. But if you let anger control you, you might hurt the loved ones in your life. For this reason, it's very important to learn anger control techniques if you have a quick temper. So, control your anger and reactions from it, it will help you to make your relationship much better than before.
You can only change yourself, not your partner –
This is the most common mistake we always do in relationships, that we try to change our partner not our self Always try to focus on yourself. Make yourself better than before. This is the only truth that you cannot change others, just you can do is to change yourself and the perspective to see the things or situation. Try to manage the situation as per the current circumstances. Accept the fact that You can only change yourself, not your partner.
Honesty is the best Policy –
Honesty is the best Policy |
Honesty in relationships is the best way to build a strong foundation for it. If the foundation is strong then you can make the best building, So honesty is the best way to make your relationships better and strong. Honesty that doesn’t work so well are feelings expressed as criticism or contempt. Regardless of how you feel about a situation, it serves the relationship well to shape your language in a way that is most likely to be received and not elicit a defensive reaction. But when anger is involved it can be challenging to manage your reaction to allow for a more productive response. If you’ve often engaged with people in an unfiltered way, there have surely been consequences along the way.
Having disagreements and yes, arguments, are often part of the couple dynamic. It doesn’t mean there’s necessarily anything wrong with your relationship but if you navigate the blips efficiently, your relationship can thrive as you both learn through experience that you can work things out, together. Always keep in mind that if you want an honest partner then you also should be honest to him/her. This can help you to make your relationships more strong.
Compatibility –
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Compatibility |
The base of the relationship is compatibility. Relationship compatibility only exists when there are mutual respect and compatibility. The couple should be able to have fun together and enjoy each other’s company. A relationship can only be fruitful when the couple shares at least a few interests and activities. The ideal choice doesn’t have to share all your interests. You just have to share enough to be able to get along and do stuff together. While disagreements cannot be avoided, it is possible to be a loving person towards someone you’re compatible with. People are usually unhappy when they are in a relationship with someone they are not compatible with. The truth is, people, do not always pick relationships for the right reasons. So always find a compatible partner for you or make each other compatible as per the relationship.
Conflict Resolution –
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Conflict Resolution |
The conflict in relationships is because of the difference between thoughts in between you and your partner. Conflict with your partner can make you feel attacked or threatened, vulnerable and weak, and this can make you recoil and retreat. When things your partner does upsets you and you feel that you’re under siege, you’re less likely to respond constructively and more likely to resort to old standbys like “the silent treatment” that, ultimately, do more harm than good. This will eventually cause your relationship to break down completely. To save your relationship always avoid conflict and arguments, also try to solve the situation by understanding each other.
I hope the points given above can help you to improve your relationships in your life. If you want to ask any query regarding your relationships so leave comments below and also share this information with your friends and family.
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