Top 10 principles of success in 2019 from Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma
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Jack Ma (Founder and CEO of Alibaba Group) |
Jack Ma, who is known as Ma Yun in his Chinese name, is one of the richest people in China and he is the founder and CEO of Alibaba, one of the largest internet groups of internet-based businesses. He is the first Chinese to appear on the cover of Forbes Magazine and Fortune's "World's 50 Greatest Leaders" were in second place on the 2017 list.
Apart from being a remarkable entrepreneur and visionary, Jack also works as an inspiration and role model for many people in the business world. He is famous for his speeches and lectures around the world and is famous for sharing his advice.
And in this article, you will learn the 10 principles of success from Chinese billionaire Jack Ma –
1. Embrace the Rejections –
According to Jack, one of the very important success factors is that you should embrace the rejection and have a habit of it. Jack started as a simple man without any relation with rich parents, relatives or neighbors, and he did not get any money from the local government in his startup. He said that when Kentucky Fried Chicken entered the Chinese market for the first time, he applied for a job with 23 other applicants. Finally, out of 24 applicants, 23 were accepted and he was the only person who was rejected by KFC.
Jack has also applied to enter Harvard University ten times. And then, he was rejected by Harvard and he said that these are experiences of rejections which make me strong. Rejection in the business world is very common, especially when it comes to living a successful life.
In fact, rejection is not only for the Chinese billionaire, but it is also for every high achievement as the author of Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and even basketball superstar Michael Jordan. Jordan was rejected by his high school basketball team, but despite the rejection, he did not leave his dream and continued to work hard for it. Thus, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, learn to embrace rejection.
2. Your dream is alive –
Another big success lesson can learn from Jack Ma that always keep your dream alive. He once told an interviewer that his wife told him that he was not with them. His wife said that Jack actually belongs to Alibaba. That's because almost every moment, Jack himself cannot get to think about things other than growing Alibaba. Jack accepted this and said that he constantly thinks about Alibaba, talk about him, sleeps with him, breathes and thinks about him every moment.
He is very passionate about his work and his dream, and that is why he is successful. Jack advises everyone who wants to be a successful entrepreneur, should always keep his dreams alive. They should think about it, talk about it and work it every single day.
The same goes for every other successful entrepreneur like Steve Jobs. When he was developing Apple and was acquiring Pixar, he started his work since 7 a.m. and till he reached the house, it was almost midnight. Steve Jobs was so passionate and passionate about the work that he dedicated his entire life to it. If you want to produce amazing results in life then you should keep your dream alive.
3. Ignore those who do not say –
Whatever you do, you should ignore those who say no, those who are trying to bring you down or tell you things are impossible. In your journey to achieve the success of your desire, you will have to face many no’s and you will have to learn how to handle them. The best way to ignore them is to focus on your dreams.
When Jack Ma first started Alipay or is commonly known as Zipibao in Chinese, then many people rejected this idea. Alipay is a third-party mobile and online payment platform such as PayPal. People told Jack that Alipay is not supposed to work and this is a stupid idea. Today, Alipay has overtaken PayPal as the world's largest mobile payment platform, and China has rapidly become a country with paperless money transactions. Almost everyone in China is using mobile payments in their everyday lives, in which the largest platform works as Alipay.
There will be people who will tell you that your work or your dream is not possible, but you should not allow them to steal your dream. Many people thought that electric cars are not possible whoever has dreamed it is crazy. Elon Musk proved otherwise. Tesla is now the largest electric car manufacturing company aiming to make its car affordable and available to anyone across the globe.
4. Focus on the construction of a culture –
Jack Ma says that one of the main competencies of his company is culture and not the technology. He believes that technology and the Internet are just tools and platforms, and anybody can benefit from doing something better on technology. And thus, Jack focuses a lot on building a wonderful culture in his company. Alibaba Group has thousands of employees and it is called values and attitudes that bring everyone together. That is why Jack Ma said that culture is important for their success.
When it comes to building a successful business, the first thing that comes in people's mind is the benefit. Although it is true that no company can survive without making money, but without good and nutritional culture, no company can be successful for a long time. According to Jack, Alibaba is not just about making money, but it is about developing its people and growing together.
Why do you think big companies such as Google, Facebook, and many others are trying to create a great working environment for their employees? This is because when the environment and culture of the organization are encouraging, those who live, they will experience high growth rates and the ability to perform better on the job.
5. Get inspiration from every part of life –
Jack Ma said that he likes movies and he has learned a lot from watching movies. The titles of his favorite movie are as follows: One Gump, starring The Bodyguard and Tom Hanks, starring Whitney Houston. He once told the audience in an interview that he learned the most from Forest Gump. It is fine that people can call you stupid or crazy, as, in the movie, you just need to become yourself and what you think is right to do. That is why he started his business by pursuing his dreams and becoming a successful entrepreneur.
There are many things that you can learn from life. Just as Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation, in the same way, he discovered it by looking at an apple fallen from his tree. For Albert Einstein, he looked for the theory of relativity by looking at the trains passing through them while standing on the platform. Lessons about life and success are everywhere, but you should be ready to stay open and learn. Zig Ziglar, a renowned personal development guru's famous saying, "If you are not ready to learn, then no one can help you. If you decide to learn, then nobody can stop you. "
6. Make a good name –
It is the principle of business success that everybody wants to make a great business should learn it. Jack Ma said that the name of your company and business is important because if you want to become famous, then you have to choose a good name. He did not choose Alibaba out of coincidence, but rather, when he wanted to enter his business name, he roamed and asked the people whether he had heard about Alibaba. For his surprise, most of the people heard about Alibaba and knew about it. Apart from this, Alibaba actually begins with alphabet A., which means that it will always be the first. And that's why they decided to go with Alibaba.
Take a look at all the most successful business names today. You will find that there is a story behind every name. The name of Amazon was named because of its founder, Jeff Bezos wanted to be the world's largest bookstore. The name represented the river, Amazon, which is the world's largest river. In addition, Amazon starts with "A", which means it can rank higher in search engines during the old days.
When you insist on your efforts and time to choose a good business name, it easily shows that you are committed and serious about your business. A person who is not serious about his business, he will never spend time thinking about a good name because he does not believe that it can become an international brand.
7. Stay Focused –
When Alibaba became public in the United States, a reporter asked Jack if he had never asked for any occasion, and he replied, "I have not asked for a lot of ideas because as a CEO I do not have to say for opportunities, because if I say yes, then I can get five thousand opportunities every day.
Jack believes that to create a successful business, you should stay focused on your primary goal. You should concentrate all your efforts on the development, development of your business. When you lose your attention, you will spread your attention and this is when you fail.
And when it comes to being focused, Steve Jobs was a great focusing person in his work. When he returned to Apple in 1997, he got one of the first and most important things to get rid of all the unnecessary products. They reduced Apple products from hundreds of them to ten. Steve Jobs told Fortune Magazine, "Apple is a $ 30 billion company, yet we've got fewer than 30 major products." Jobs also said, "People think that focus means that to say yes to the thing on which you have to focus, but this does not mean it means that for saying no for 100 other good ideas. "
8. Customers are always # 1 –
During an interview, Jack said that he values his customers more than his shareholders. He will rank his customers as number one and the most important component of his company, and the other will be his employees, and then will be followed by shareholders.
Jack believes that shareholders will come and go. And the only way to ensure that shareholders are making money is to give priority to customers. When customers buy from you, then your business is profitable and shareholders will be happy. Jack often told his team that customers are the ones who give him money, and he encourages his team to make their customers their priority.
9. Stop complaining and seek opportunities –
If you want to succeed in everything you do, then you have to stop playing a complaint or a game of guilt. Many people complain about many things in their life. He said that his boss is not very good, he complains about his life partner, and he blames the economy for his poor results. Jack Ma said that when you complain, you will miss the opportunity because you are blind from complaining.
Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of "Think and Grow Rich", wrote in his book, "Every disorder, every failure, every heartache is a seed of equal or more profit." Jack fully agree with this statement. He said that instead of complaining of eyes, find opportunities within the problems. Where there are problems, there will be opportunities.
10. Live with passion –
In 1999, Jack Ma presented his own idea of starting Alibaba to his 17 friends in his small apartment. During that time, nobody knows what the idea is going to work, but those who have decided to go for the opportunity believe in one thing, and it was Jack Ma's passion.
Passion is one of the most important keys that will decide your success. When you are emotional, you will continue to work and try to move forward even when things are tough or fail. Most people accept defeat because they do not have the passion to bring perseverance. They do not like to do this, so when things are tough and they are not in their direction then why they want to stay?
Steve Jobs said it well, "Your work is going to fill a big part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is that which you believe is a great job. And the only way to do great work is to love with what you do. "And to love what you have a strong passion.
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