9 Brilliant Ways To Use Disappointment for Success


Life is full of opportunities to be disappointed. You do not come to college at
 your top choice. You are passed to the promotion for work. You may be disappointed with those things which are not in control, such as your inability to do any of your eating habits or timely tasks, or you may be completely frustrated by not controlling things completely.

The Oxford Dictionary defines disappointed as "a sense of sadness or resentment due to nonfulfillment of someone's expectations or expectations". I like to twist a little bit to read this, "We choose the feeling of sadness or resentment when our hopes are not fulfilled." This difference is very small, but it is permissible for a person or situation to hijack their emotions Instead of giving up the power and responsibility back on itself.

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why is it important? It's the key to becoming flexible and developing a mentality that enables you to continue trying when things are not running in the way you want. You can use the energy of disappointment to get success in life. Because after that you need to put your 100% to achieve success.

Why do you feel disappointed?

Many people choose disappointment as a way to motivate them to do something different next time. The power of this negative emotional charge can be a push that you need to dig deep, work hard or try again. It works only when you are under control, which causes disappointment. And will not it be better if you can first inspire yourself without feeling bad?

 For example, you want to do some work. But after trying many times, if that work is not complete then you get disappointed.

Here are 9 Brilliant Ways To Use Disappointment for Success

1. Minimize your fight-or-flight response by taking a deep breath, taking a stroll out, or taking time to meditate. You want to see how you feel, but that feeling does not dominate or control you.

2. Adopt a supervisor's viewpoint instead of a participant and see if there is a way of changing disappointment into opportunity. This kind of detection allows you to see with increased clarity.

3. Keep in mind that if there were such things that you have done in different ways, then better results will be shown. Do not try to judge yourself. Be gentle and sensible Grow yourself in the same way as if you give it to a small child.

4. Avoid confining thoughts, such as "things never work" or "it always happens to me." These thoughts patterns do not support your success and they convince you that you can not even try.

5. Find to talk to someone who has a similar experience. It can be a support group, a friend or guardian, or even an internet chatroom. The goal is not to swap tragic stories. But to help each other recognize common humanity. Everyone experiences some frustrating and sharing stories can help you to remind it.

6. Remember that there is always something to learn. Every experience brings an opportunity to learn from it.

7. Create a personal narrative that supports your success. When you get "no", then tell yourself that you are "not" close to "yes". When your plane is delayed, due to the missed connection, tell yourself that your family will be more excited to see you tomorrow. When you step on the scale and it is less than half a pound, then remind yourself that you have more muscles and due to being healthy the weight is not reduced.

8. Celebrate that you know what you want. Having a feeling of disappointment shows that you know what your goal is. Many people did not even get a clear goal in mind. Rather than beat yourself on feeling frustrated, choose to use that emotion as a reminder that you know where you are going and the goal is still in sight.

9. Choose your next action. You can give up, you can keep going on your current trajectory, or you can adapt and try differently. If you continue to send resumes without feedback, then you can edit your resume, you can apply for a different type of job, or you can do whatever you are doing.

The key to overcome disappointment is that instead of using it for your benefit, allow yourself to take it through it. And remember these intelligent words:


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