17 amazing ways that can help you to make a perfect workday

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressure or demands of your workday? Do you think it is possible to create an environment where you can allow yourself to be more relaxed, more productive and happier while working?

The first step towards this goal is to realize that you are in control of your day, and there is a lot that you can do to control your work experience. What we do before and after work, it can also have a big effect on how we feel about the time when we work.

17 amazing ways that can help you to create a perfect workday
Perfect Workday

Here are 17 tips for creating more fun weekdays 

1. Complete less –

If you have a lot of work going on, it is very difficult to be a comfortable working day. Instead, learn to implement the 80/20 rule and choose projects that will make the most sense in the long run. Try to pick up 3 important things to get each day. Ask yourself, what three things can I do today that will take me closer to my goals? Then focus your attention on achieving those projects.

2. Make a relaxed morning ritual –

It may include some types of exercise, a casual cup of coffee or some quiet work time with your favorite person. You get up early so that you do not feel haste, and then you will be able to start your workday on a positive note and actually enjoy the morning.

3. Prepare the night before –

An evening routine can help set up a pleasant and productive stage for the next day. If you take a few minutes to list your 3 important tasks for the next day, you will start your workday with a purpose. This will contribute to more rest in the morning routine.

4. Get up with a shower –

Instead of remembering my morning shower, I would like to wake up first. This allows me to feel relaxed and energized at the same time and start a new day on New Work Day.

5. Shake your body –

I am not ready for a big workout in the morning, but I like to take things. Fifteen minutes on the elliptic is enough for me to lose and bleed. I particularly like this form of morning exercise because it has no effect on my joints.

6. Take advantage of calm –

Once I have completed my morning routine then I feel right to work while things are still relatively quiet. I know that some of you may be quiet after working at night, but in the morning works best for me. Either way, it is easy to be useful when distraction is minimal.

7. Customize your work environment –

Whether you work at home, in an office, or in any other setting, try to control your work environment so that you can focus on work. This usually means everything you need to work and not much.

8. Where you can distract control –

Most people do not need to be available 24/7 through the cell phone, email, instant messaging services, etc. when you do not need to focus, you should not be afraid to unplug. Anything that will break into your attention and jump from one thing to another, will just slow you down and interfere with your productivity.

9. Do not lower your self –

Evaluate all your different commitments and look for cuts in areas. Is it necessary and what to distinguish between just busy work. Find out ways to delegate, outsource, minimize, or eliminate unnecessary or time-consuming activities that do not contribute much to your primary purpose and complicate your work day.

10. Make your program work –

If you have the ability to exit meetings, phone calls, or errors, do so. Can a meeting be replaced with an email or a phone call with quick text? Can the tasks be added or handled by someone else? A tight schedule can cause lots of unnecessary workdays, so always try to pad your schedule so that when something comes to you, it does not get tracked for your whole day.

11. Avoid multitasking –

Focus and productivity go hand in hand. Multitasking dilutes your focus and has a negative impact on your productivity and your approach to work. Where possible, try to concentrate on just one task at a time.

12. Break the focus regularly –

When it comes to concentrating, you get fewer returns and intentionally taking a focus break will actually make your workday more productive, not less. After 90 minutes it is beneficial to stop what you are doing, get up, walk around, get stretch, get a glass of water, and look at some distance. You will feel refreshed for a few minutes and be ready for the second round.

13. Use the applied focus session –

Applied Focus is a simple strategy that I teach my coaching clients that we can increase our productivity based on the principles we currently discuss. It works for all and it will also work for you. This will allow you to complete a lot without getting stressed or overwhelmed. To know how to do it using Applied Focus Sessions to increase productivity.

14. Count your blessings –

There is a lot to do in our attitude of work that we focus on. If we constantly think about things that we do not like, then our workday will feel like a negative experience. On the other hand, if we are grateful for work, especially during these challenging economic times, we have a completely different experience. The more grateful you are, the more you will enjoy your workday.

15. Live in present –

Rather than worry about the future or reliving the past, try to concentrate on work at hand. Focus on the details of what you are doing and find ways to do an outstanding job. We get a lot of personal satisfaction from well-done work. You will enjoy your workday more if it leaves you with a sense of pride and achievement. So, get into it.

16. Maintain a nostalgic attitude –

Some people take the work method very seriously, which squeezes all the pleasures that come out of it. Since it is very likely that you are going to work a great part of your life, so why not try to make it as fun as possible? 

Very few things are actually matters of life and death, so do not swallow under pressure. If you learn to relax and learn to take things in stride, then it will actually make you more productive and you will enjoy your workday more than being stressed.

17. Avoid doing all the work and avoid any mentality –

Work can be a part of life, but it should not be our whole life. If you do not take time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, then what does it mean to work at all times? Do not have a slip in "I do not have time to take a break". You can enjoy the time you spend with friends and family. 

If you have a holiday, then take it. If you never went to that special place, you always wanted to go, go! Life is very small and can never come sometime. And besides that, remember that balance is important for enjoying every aspect of your life.
