The fear is the cause which stops you to reach the pinnacle of your potential in doing anything in life. The fear of failure can oftentimes cause more pain than the failure itself. Those agonizing days and sleepless nights when we toss and turn playing out those what-if scenarios in our minds can take more than their fair share of a toll on us. They batter us down, physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually, desperately weakening us over time.
Overcome the fear of failure |
But what is it about the fear of failure that’s such a powerful motivator of our actions? How come that fear can compel us into a state of inaction? Why are we so driven by that fear that it can completely stifle and suffocate us? If you’ve been bound by a fear of failure in the past, you’re definitely not alone. We’ve all been there. It’s not a good place to live, mentally. And the physical effects of living in fear can be devastating, to say the least. Stress, anxiety, and the onset of ailments and even diseases can occur when we live in a state of fear of anything for too long a period. So how is that we’re supposed to achieve anything when we’re shackled by fear?
How can we overcome the fear of failure to really go after our dreams and reach for what we want in life rather than suppressing our innermost desires and aspirations? There are, in fact, some very potent and powerful ways that you can overcome your fear of failure. And, by leveraging these methods, you can take your life to new heights, go after what you really want out of life, and achieve your biggest goals.
But it’s not going to happen overnight. Nothing worthwhile ever does. To overcome our fears, not only do we need to a dramatic shift in thinking, but we also need to take massive amounts of action and breakthrough our fears.
Here are some tips for overcoming your fear of failure -
Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Get comfortable being uncomfortable |
“When you try something out of the box or you are in any situation which makes uncomfortable, then you start making excuses or avoiding that situation. But rather than make excuses or avoiding you need to learn how to become comfortable being uncomfortable or put efforts to make that situation as per you and conquer your fear”
Don't Allow It to Stop You -
"It's been said that success is only a few steps after failure, but most people give up after they "fail" and never get there. So never allow your fear to stop you and not allow the judgment of others or yourself to stop you, and then you can get success!"
Don't Be Afraid out for Help -
Don't afraid to take help |
"Don't afraid for taking the help when you need it. Realize that when you need help, someone is there to help you to come out from that moment. If you’ve been stuck somewhere in your life and you are doing the same thing over and over again, then you will not get any different results. Do not afraid at that time to take help, which you need to move onto the next level. Not every time you are able to solve your confusion by yourself, you need help from others to get rid of that confusion. Confusion will be the biggest reason for your failure. Do not afraid to share your confusion with others to get the solution. Maybe you will get the best solution to come out from that confusion. So never afraid to take help it will help you to overcome from fear of failure."
Learn From Your Mistakes to Prevent Failure -
Learn From Your Mistakes to Prevent Failure |
"It’s okay to do mistakes, but better is to learn from your mistakes and never repeat them again. The only time you fail is when you don't learn from your mistake. If you've learned a lesson in defeat, then go back out and apply your new knowledge. I've made tons of mistakes, but I've had very few "failures" because I make those missteps valuable experiences. Mistakes are part of life. In this whole world, everyone makes mistakes every single day. Mistakes are part of your experience in life. It gives you a chance to know the weaker side of our life so that you can improve and make a better life for yourself. It is normal to make mistakes, but when you are aware from your mistakes and after that, you repeat your mistakes again and again without learning from them, then your mistakes will become the biggest reason of your failure in life."
Be Afraid –
"Being afraid is okay. When you afraid then you push yourself to break your limits. If you aren't afraid anymore, then you aren't pushing your boundaries anymore either. That little twinge of fear of failure means you just might be onto something, or you're at least heading in the right direction. Embrace that fear, and use it as fuel to take the next big steps."
Fail Fast -
Fail Fast |
"There are two big benefits from trying and failing quickly. Number one is that you can quickly figure out what isn't working and iterate to find a new solution that is better. Number two is that each failure lessens the sting a bit, so the quicker you can get acclimated to the idea that not everything will work, the better. When you fail quickly then you learn more and more ways to succeed."
Talk About It -
Talk About It |
"Never fear of talking about your failures. Always talk about your failures with that person who is your trustworthy. When you talk about your failures then you can find the root cause of that failure and correct them. Talking about your failures can help you to find a way to overcome them. It also helps you to reduce the fear of failure which can give you more chances to succeed"
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