How to be happy in Life? What is the meaning of happiness?

How to be happy in Life? What is the meaning of happiness?
How to be happy in Life? What is the meaning of happiness?

You always try to find your happiness in someone else, because to you link your happiness to somebody else. You think that if you are successful to give happiness to others then you also get happiness, but this is not true. 

For example – If you associated your happiness to your parents and if your parent's happiness is in those things which you don’t like then you never get happiness in life.

Happiness in Relationships
Temporary Happiness
The problem is this you always trying to give permanent happiness to others, which is not possible at all. Yes, you can give them temporary happiness by doing those things which they like but when you slightly down from the expectation then you fail to give happiness to them.

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Now the question is what the permanent solution for happiness is?

Meaning of happiness
What is happiness
First, you need to understand what happiness is. Happiness is that feeling which you experience when you achieve something which you really want and also when you do those things to which you are passionate about.

In a simple word, absolute happiness is complete surrender and complete involvement to anyone, in anything and at any time.

Hard work, efforts
Complete Involvement
For example – When you spend your whole day with laziness and then you go to bed. You never get a deep sleep or a good quality of sleep in the night. On the other side – If you work hard for the whole day and put all your 100% efforts in your work and you are completely tired, after that when you go to bed then you will get a deep and good quality sleep. This is because when you are completely involved in your work then you will completely surrender in your sleep. 

Deep sleep, relax
Complete Surrender
That’s why after a deep sleep in the night, you want to extend that time of sleep and this is the reason you always face the battle with your alarm clock, every time when it rings you press the snooze button and extend your sleep time.

You can only achieve happiness when you understand yourself and don’t expect too much from others. Always try don’t work or do anything to make others happy, Do everything with complete involvement, when you are partially involved in anything then you never reach the level of satisfaction and when you are not satisfied you never get happiness in that work. There is one more benefit of complete involvement that is you do that work with full of energy and the results are also very good.

Everybody in this world wants happiness, but no one wants to understand what happiness is. To achieve the peak of happiness in life you need to do introspection. Because when you know enough about yourself, then you can handle any situation which makes you sad.

The major reason for breakups or spoiled relationships all around us is that people always try others to make happy or try to do the things as per others. For example – If anyone between two persons who are in a relationship is sad or breaks down due to any circumstances in life if the second person is also sad just because another one is sad. So the situation cannot tackle easily. It is very difficult for both of them to overcome that situation. In another side, if the one person will be aware of the meaning of happiness. Then he can help the second person to come out from those sad feelings immediately.

Don't run behind it
Don't run behind happiness
Do not run behind happiness. You can only achieve happiness when you have a proper understanding about life and yourself. So put your efforts to trained yourself completely involved and completely surrender to achieve permanent happiness in your life. So, remember you cannot achieve happiness by running behind it. Understand and achieve permanent happiness. Yes, it may take some time to come, but one day you will definitely achieve it.

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