
Showing posts with the label life coach

9 Brilliant Ways To Use Disappointment for Success

Disappointment Life is full of opportunities to be disappointed. You do not come to college at   your top choice. You are passed to the promotion for work. You may be disappointed with those things which are not in control, such as your inability to do any of your eating habits or timely tasks, or you may be completely frustrated by not controlling things completely. The Oxford Dictionary defines disappointed as "a sense of sadness or resentment due to nonfulfillment of someone's expectations or expectations". I like to twist a little bit to read this, "We choose the feeling of sadness or resentment when our hopes are not fulfilled." This difference is very small, but it is permissible for a person or situation to hijack their emotions Instead of giving up the power and responsibility back on itself. The ultimate guide to conquer self-doubt in 2019 why is it important? It's the key to becoming flexible and developing a mentality that enabl

The ultimate guide to conquer self-doubt in 2019

Self-doubt The insecurity kills more dreams than the lack of talent. By believing things like "I will never get promoted" or "I can not compete with other businesses" will change your self-doubt into a self-fulfilling prophecy. We all sometimes feel self-doubt, even if we are full of confidence. But, mentally strong people cannot prevent self-doubt from reaching their goals.  Here's how to keep you away from self-doubt – 1. Embrace a little self-doubt – Do not worry about a little self-doubt, because a little insecurity can actually increase your performance. A 2010 study published in the Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that those who experienced a little self-doubt actually did better than those who were fully confident in their skills. Similar studies have been found in other studies. So instead of waste energy, worry that your self-doubt is actually a message from the universe that you have a warning that you are going to fail, rec


SET YOUR PRIORITIES When you think that you want to live your life, then what comes to mind? Do you see yourself traveling the world, writing a book, or making your own business? Although you choose to live your life, most likely will determine how you have set your priorities. When you want to make changes in your life, it is important to know what is most valuable to you. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to find out when you are always in a fast lane and you start focusing on what you originally wanted in the first place. "We all live this busy life these days and it is challenging to do everything on our to-do list. To ensure that you are able to focus on your priorities, it is important that whatever You ask yourself 'why' behind it. Once you understand why something is important to you, it becomes easy to follow along with it. Once you search for your 'why' you can also find that your preferences sometimes change too. So how can you find

7 Ultimate psychological hacks that can help you to come out from stress in 2019

How to overcome from stress "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it" ~ by Lou Holtz Everyone feels stressed occasionally and in today's world, it is one of the common problems, because of modern lifestyle. • You probably have a family situation that needs extra time and attention. • You may have a financial problem. • You may be sick or have a health -related problem. So when you feel angry , what can you do? I believe that if you add preventive stress management to your daily lifestyle then you can easily control how you can handle your response to stressful situations. I would like to say that you can completely eliminate stress - but I cannot. However, there is a lot that you can do to prepare yourself, so when you face these situations, you can handle them with grace, inner calm, and compassion. Follow these simple hacks to come out from stress in 2019 1. Exercise – One way to overcome stress an

Best 12 practical ways to avoid distraction and sharpen your focus in 2019

Avoid Distraction Your ability to stay focused is more than just a mean thing to cultivate - it is an important factor in your success or failure . It is important to complete things, and it is important to focus on completing things. Being able to concentrate in today's world has become a very difficult task , because we have many things to distract us, such as mobile, computer, news channels, newspapers, and television. All these things do not allow us to put our attention in doing some productive work. Here are the best 12 practical ways to avoid distraction and sharpen your focus in 2019 1. View Yourself – View Yourself Distraction can be internal as well as external, so start by looking in. If you are everywhere, then ask yourself what is really happening. What is the source of your flight or concern? Why do you need to work in your life? Find the reason for your distraction and find its solution from yourself. Because only you can know what is the real ca

7 Ultimate ways for help you to make better decisions in Life

Decision - Making Most people do not know the intense effects of making decisions . Often times, we are unaware of life, what we are thinking and what we are doing. Every decision taken in our lives shapes our current reality. It gives the shape that we are in the form of a person because we habitually  adhere to the decisions we make without feeling too. Your decisions determine how your current and future will be. The decision made very early and too late is both harmful. So always remember this that you have to take all the decisions of your life at the right time. If you are unhappy with the results in your life now, then trying to change your decisions starting from today will be the key to creating a person whom you want to become and the life you want in the future. Let's talk about some of the ways that you can make life-changing decisions . Here are 7 Ultimate ways for help you to make better decisions in Life - 1. Realizing the power of decision-making –

5 things you need to know about how to handle rejection in life

Rejection "Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually re-directed to something better." - By  Dr. Steve Maraboli Have you ever noticed that how to be rejected will prevent some people from trying again, while others bounce back with disapproval compared to the previous ones? Everyone experiences a feeling of rejection, but mentally strong people use that pain to strengthen and become better. The feeling of rejection has a different effect on everyone. It completely depends on us how we want to handle it. Whether you were excluded from a social association, or you were passed for a promotion, the rejection hurts. Everybody lives only in the face of rejection. Often people consider this rejection as a failure and give up, which is wrong. Instead of running away from the Reject, we should face it and make ourselves better by eliminating its root cause. Here are 5 ways which you need to know about how to handle rejecti