
Showing posts from November, 2018

Learn the Art of Time Management

What is time management? What is Time Management Time management  is a technique for using your time more effectively. Organize your professional and personal tasks based on how urgent and important they are and take care of the most urgent and important first, followed by activities that are not urgent but still important. By prioritizing your workload, you can focus your time and energy where they matter most.                        One of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective time management . If you're not managing your time well, there's no way you're going to reach your goals at work and the life outside of it. Sure, you might make some progress. But your time management will be an uphill battle if you don't take your time seriously. For people who squander and waste the precious little time they do have, they know all too well how difficult achieving even mildly difficult goals can be. The truth is that time

Overcome the Fear of Failure

The fear is the cause which stops you to reach the pinnacle of your potential in doing anything in life. The fear of failure can oftentimes cause more pain than the failure itself. Those agonizing days and sleepless nights when we toss and turn playing out those what-if scenarios in our minds can take more than their fair share of a toll on us. They batter us down, physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually, desperately weakening us over time.  Overcome the fear of failure But what is it about the fear of failure that’s such a powerful motivator of our actions? How come that fear can compel us into a state of inaction? Why are we so driven by that fear that it can completely stifle and suffocate us? If you’ve been bound by a fear of failure in the past, you’re definitely not alone. We’ve all been there. It’s not a good place to live, mentally. And the physical effects of living in fear can be devastating, to say the least. Stress, anxiety, and the onset of a

How to Choose Right Career in Life

Choosing the right career is very difficult in today’s world because you have lots of choices and you always confused between these choices that which is best suitable for you and which is not. Because your whole life is dependent on this choice. You always keep in mind that you need to think about the few factors while choosing your career, which can help you to choose a better career option in life. Some points are given below for choosing the right career in life - 1. Do Not Influence by Others – Do Not Influence by Others When you are trying to choose your career in life most of the time you influenced by others. This will not help you to grow or make a better life as you want. So, always keep in mind you need to think about it and analyze which career is best for you. Because everyone has their own set of interests and no one is similar to others. That’s why one career option is not better for two different persons. So, remember one thing first analyze and then c

How to manage your relationships in life

How to manage your relationships in life The word relationships are completely screwed in today’s world. Relationships are very important in our life, in fact, our whole life revolving around the relationships. But sometimes we fail to manage them. There are lots of reasons due to which we are not able to manage or save relationships in our life. In this article, I’m trying to give you the few tips through which you can manage as well as save your relationships. Here are some tips to manage relationships – Listen Effectively – Listen Effectively The level of attention, when you know the other person is really listening to you, makes you feel valued. It makes you feel safe, understood, and important. Being heard validates you. Now think about a time when you had something to say, but you didn't get that level of attention. The other person was distracted, looking at their phone, clearly thinking about something else, or mentally lining up their response wit

How to overcome depression in life

Nobody wants to talk about  depression .  Everybody wants to watch inspirational and motivational videos, get pumped up off a triple espresso and a Nike commercial. Everyone wants to talk about how great it is to be motivated, driven and happy . Even if we’re crying inside. What is Depression? How to overcome depression in Life Depression  is a disorder that is evidenced by excessive sadness, loss of interest in enjoyable things, and low motivation. It is normal to experience feelings of sadness and despair in response to adverse life events. Such events could include loss, major life changes, stress, or disappointment. In most cases, the sad feelings resolve as you come to terms with the changes in your life. In situations such as bereavement, these feelings may persist for months and return at significant times, such as birthdays and anniversaries related to the lost loved one. Provided you have times when you can enjoy things, however, this sadness is not a sign of de