
Showing posts with the label life guide

7 Ultimate psychological hacks that can help you to come out from stress in 2019

How to overcome from stress "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it" ~ by Lou Holtz Everyone feels stressed occasionally and in today's world, it is one of the common problems, because of modern lifestyle. • You probably have a family situation that needs extra time and attention. • You may have a financial problem. • You may be sick or have a health -related problem. So when you feel angry , what can you do? I believe that if you add preventive stress management to your daily lifestyle then you can easily control how you can handle your response to stressful situations. I would like to say that you can completely eliminate stress - but I cannot. However, there is a lot that you can do to prepare yourself, so when you face these situations, you can handle them with grace, inner calm, and compassion. Follow these simple hacks to come out from stress in 2019 1. Exercise – One way to overcome stress an

Best 12 practical ways to avoid distraction and sharpen your focus in 2019

Avoid Distraction Your ability to stay focused is more than just a mean thing to cultivate - it is an important factor in your success or failure . It is important to complete things, and it is important to focus on completing things. Being able to concentrate in today's world has become a very difficult task , because we have many things to distract us, such as mobile, computer, news channels, newspapers, and television. All these things do not allow us to put our attention in doing some productive work. Here are the best 12 practical ways to avoid distraction and sharpen your focus in 2019 1. View Yourself – View Yourself Distraction can be internal as well as external, so start by looking in. If you are everywhere, then ask yourself what is really happening. What is the source of your flight or concern? Why do you need to work in your life? Find the reason for your distraction and find its solution from yourself. Because only you can know what is the real ca

7 Simple things you can do to avoid toxic peoples from your life

"You must hear that you are equal to the average sum of those 5 people with whom you spend most of the time" Do you want to be successful in life? Do you want to achieve great things in life and want to realize all your dreams? Then one thing I think is that you have to be very careful about whom you are engaging in personally and professionally in your life. What I have found, the most successful people I have met, have made it a rule to avoid negative people. Successful people choose their fellowship very carefully. Here are 7 Simple things you can do to avoid toxic peoples from your life 1. Avoid gossip – Avoid gossip   Negative people often gossip about others. Because they are so involved in their problems and they do not have the time to improve their life. That is why they spend most of the time by talking about others. Stop gossiping and try to do something that will help you move forward in life. 2. Do things that make you happ

5 things you need to know about how to handle rejection in life

Rejection "Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually re-directed to something better." - By  Dr. Steve Maraboli Have you ever noticed that how to be rejected will prevent some people from trying again, while others bounce back with disapproval compared to the previous ones? Everyone experiences a feeling of rejection, but mentally strong people use that pain to strengthen and become better. The feeling of rejection has a different effect on everyone. It completely depends on us how we want to handle it. Whether you were excluded from a social association, or you were passed for a promotion, the rejection hurts. Everybody lives only in the face of rejection. Often people consider this rejection as a failure and give up, which is wrong. Instead of running away from the Reject, we should face it and make ourselves better by eliminating its root cause. Here are 5 ways which you need to know about how to handle rejecti

6 Proven reasons why your diet is more important than your exercise routine

Why your diet is more important than your exercise routine You are ready to live a more healthy lifestyle and be excited about the change. If you like most people, you can sign up for a gym and buy new sneakers, before you go through your cabinets and get rid of sugar, ultra-processed or otherwise unhealthy food. There is something about exercising that instantly takes physical fitness, which is closely related to weight loss for many people. And yet, experts say that focusing on exercise is not the fastest way to leave the pound. In fact, when you talk about losing weight, your diet is much more important than your exercise routine. Why?  Here are  6 Proven reasons why your diet is more important than your exercise routine – 1. Exercise alone cannot drive significant weight loss – Studies have proven that exercise alone cannot lose vital weight, the main reason for this is that most of us unconsciously compensate for those calories that we burn by being physicall

13 Simple ways by which you can stop yourself from overthinking

13 Simple ways by which you can stop yourself from overthinking Overthinking does not look so bad on seeing from the upper surface - thinking is good, but thinking too much can be harmful.  For example, it is good to eat food, but eating more can lead to problems. When you do anything too much, your decisions go cloud and your stress increases. You spend too much time on negativity. In such a situation it becomes difficult to do anything. No work can be done without thinking, but thinking too much can be very harmful to you because the excess of everything is bad. Here are 13 simple ways by which you can stop yourself from overthinking – 1. Stay active all day, and tired of the body – Stay active all day, and tired of the body Do you want to know one of the main reasons why you think so much? The reason for this is that you have very free time. If you give more time than required for useless thinking, then one day you will realize that it can not be fruitful for you.

7 Things you need to do in 2019 to achieve your dreams

Achieve your dreams Most of the times you always make plans and targets to achieve your dreams, but 80% of plans are not to be used or you can say never implemented. People make New Year resolution and quickly leave these New Year's resolutions, the problem here is: you have focused your attention on a vision, mission or at the end result. But the hard truth is that if you do not address things first, then work and investment will not mean anything at all. The only solution to get rid of the obstacles of your success and for achieving your dreams does not focus on end result or outcome of your dream just try to focus on the start of the implementation of your plans consistently. Related -  12 Things you need to do for building your confidence  The science of achieving what you want and what you want to become is not very much in learning to determine the art of great planning. It is much more than leaving those habits that are holding you back. Bad habits are regular t