
Showing posts with the label life guide

How to overcome depression in life

Nobody wants to talk about  depression .  Everybody wants to watch inspirational and motivational videos, get pumped up off a triple espresso and a Nike commercial. Everyone wants to talk about how great it is to be motivated, driven and happy . Even if we’re crying inside. What is Depression? How to overcome depression in Life Depression  is a disorder that is evidenced by excessive sadness, loss of interest in enjoyable things, and low motivation. It is normal to experience feelings of sadness and despair in response to adverse life events. Such events could include loss, major life changes, stress, or disappointment. In most cases, the sad feelings resolve as you come to terms with the changes in your life. In situations such as bereavement, these feelings may persist for months and return at significant times, such as birthdays and anniversaries related to the lost loved one. Provided you have times when you can enjoy things, however, this sadness is not a sign of de

How to handle every situation in life very Easily

How to handle every situation in life very Easily Life is a very beautiful thing, but some time in your life you are confused in some situations that how you can handle this situation . If you find the real cause of that situation you can easily handle that. Because every time you only treat the symptoms of the problem and do not focus on the root cause of that problem. Here I will help you to understand how you can solve or handle any situation in your life. Just you need to remember, you always need to know the reason of that problem and find how this problem was started and then start solving it. Here are 7 Tips that how you can handle any situation Easily 1. Acknowledge the Situation – Be Solution Oriented Sometimes people try to stay in denial when they face a tough situation . However, the longer you try to avoid the problem, the longer it will take to address it. Acknowledge the situation exists, regardless of how you feel about it. Be prepared to face