
What is gratitude and why it is important in your life?

Gratitude About a year ago I was not aware of the word gratitude and also I don’t know the value of it in life. Then some incidents happened which makes me realize how much the word gratitude is important in life and how it can change the whole scenario of life. It had a drastic effect on every aspect of my life. I learned that if I am thankful for those things which I have right now then I will attract those things which I required at this time and also I can achieve anything in my life with the help of gratitude and consistent hard work. Everyone has a different perspective regarding different things, so everyone has different thoughts regarding gratitude in life. Before we go ahead first we need to understand that what is gratitude?   What is gratitude? Gratitude is an expression of thank and praise. However, the origin of gratitude is in the form of a different feeling. Generally, the feeling runs for only a few seconds in the form of identifying deliberate, benefici

How to learn from mistakes in life

How to learn from mistakes in life Mistakes are part of life. In this whole world, everyone makes mistakes every single day. Mistakes are part of your experience in life. It gives you a chance to know the weaker side of our life so that you can improve and make a better life for yourself. It is normal to make mistakes, but when you are aware from your mistakes and after that, you repeat your mistakes again and again without learning from them, then your mistakes will become the biggest reason of your failure in life. When you are not ready to learn from your mistakes, you always put the blame to others for your failures . When you do anything new in life and you are not that much knowledge about that thing, and then you make mistakes . This is normal because you are trying new things and without doing mistakes to cannot learn anything new. But if you want success in that field in which you are trying, then you need to learn from your mistakes and improve them without re

What is the meaning of attitude and why it is important in life?

The attitude can be defined as our response to people, places, things or events in life. It can be referred to as a person's point of view, mentality, belief etc. Our attitude towards people, places, things or circumstances determines the options we choose. The attitude is made up of three components, which include cognitive factors, effective/emotional components, and behavioral components. In fact, the cognitive component is based on information or knowledge, while the influential component is based on emotions. The behavioral component shows how attitude behaves or behaves. The attitude can be positive or negative as well it depends on the favorable and unfavorable situation or conditions. Types of attitude – Positive Attitude –  Positive Attitude Those who have a positive attitude, they will pay attention to the good in people, situations, events, etc rather than bad. They will not consider the mistake or failure as an obstacle, but rather as an opportuni

How to be happy in Life? What is the meaning of happiness?

How to be happy in Life? What is the meaning of happiness? You always try to find your happiness in someone else, because to you link your happiness to somebody else. You think that if you are successful to give happiness to others then you also get happiness , but this is not true.  For example – If you associated your happiness to your parents and if your parent's happiness is in those things which you don’t like then you never get happiness in life. Temporary Happiness The problem is this you always trying to give permanent happiness to others, which is not possible at all. Yes, you can give them temporary happiness by doing those things which they like but when you slightly down from the expectation then you fail to give happiness to them. Popular Post -   7 Things you need to do in 2019 to achieve your dreams   Now the question is what the permanent solution for happiness is? What is happiness First, you need to understand what happiness

How to overcome bad habits

 How to overcome bad habits Bad habits are those habits which are not good for you but unfortunately, you are addicted to it. Habits can be good or bad as well. You Need to figure out what is right and what is wrong. When you do anything and you start feeling good, then you do that particular thing again and again to achieve that moment of pleasure or good feeling, then the habit is developed. It’s very difficult to overcome from bad habits because you are habitual to feel that good feeling due to that habit that is the moment when a habit is harmful to you and starts destroying your life. Here are some tips are given below to overcome bad habits  – 1. Develop positive thinking – Develop Positive Thinking Positive thinking is the first point which is required to overcome bad habits. Sure, positive thinking  by itself won’t take you to success , but it certainly goes a long way to motivate you to do the other things required. When I learned how to remove negative