
Showing posts with the label life guide

12 Best reasons why you should include the meditation into your daily routine

Meditation Many times you heard that by meditation you can achieve inner peace, which is true. But people understand meditation in the wrong way. Meditation is not about sitting in a single posture for hours and tries to see some lights in front of your eyes; the real meaning of meditation is  “Introspection” , which means to know yourself in a better way and see yourself from a different perspective. This is the most important and easy way to achieve inner peace. Because when you know yourself from the inside, then you can achieve any state of mind easily because at that time you are aware of yourself that “Who you are” . So start including the habit of meditation in your day to day life. Here are 12 reasons why you should include the meditation into your daily routine  – 1.   Relief from Stress and Depression – Depression can be a major problem for older adults, due to their age factor. In today’s world these both problems are very common, because of today’s livin

How to get rid of confusion in life

Confusion In today's modern and fast-moving world it is difficult to take decisions between millions of choices , whether we are talking about our careers or we are talking about our life in general. We are surrounded by all of these options and we cannot find the best option among them due to confusion . For example - when we go to choose our career , we could be confused about which career is better for us or in which career we can grow. Due to these many options, we create many conflicts in our mind. Sometimes because of this conflict, we create difficult situations for us in life due to which we take wrong decisions un-intentionally. We have lots of choices are there about every aspect of life, which create confusion. Sometimes you might notice that while you speaking in front of the crowd or when you are speaking in meetings you had confusion that what to say or how to say? This is a normal situation which almost all of us face at least once in a lifetime. This oc

How to achieve inner peace of mind in your busy lifestyle

Inner Peace of Mind In today’s world, everyone is running behind their goals , desires, and needs. Due to this kind of life running and fast moving lifestyle the inner peace of mind is going lost completely. The problems of stress ,  depression , anxiety etc are increasing day by day and everyone is trying to overcome these kinds of problems by using medications and by going to Doctors. This is not a permanent solution for all these problems. Yes, you can get a temporary solution for these kind problems but not permanently. No one wants to understand the concept of inner peace. Everybody wants to go fast as much as possible. But when your inner self is not calm and you are disturbed from inside you are not able to give your 100% in that particular task.  So it is the essential thing that your inner self should be peaceful. In today's world, it is very difficult to achieve that state of inner peace. But if you practice certain things on regular basis you can get this st

What is gratitude and why it is important in your life?

Gratitude About a year ago I was not aware of the word gratitude and also I don’t know the value of it in life. Then some incidents happened which makes me realize how much the word gratitude is important in life and how it can change the whole scenario of life. It had a drastic effect on every aspect of my life. I learned that if I am thankful for those things which I have right now then I will attract those things which I required at this time and also I can achieve anything in my life with the help of gratitude and consistent hard work. Everyone has a different perspective regarding different things, so everyone has different thoughts regarding gratitude in life. Before we go ahead first we need to understand that what is gratitude?   What is gratitude? Gratitude is an expression of thank and praise. However, the origin of gratitude is in the form of a different feeling. Generally, the feeling runs for only a few seconds in the form of identifying deliberate, benefici

What is the meaning of attitude and why it is important in life?

The attitude can be defined as our response to people, places, things or events in life. It can be referred to as a person's point of view, mentality, belief etc. Our attitude towards people, places, things or circumstances determines the options we choose. The attitude is made up of three components, which include cognitive factors, effective/emotional components, and behavioral components. In fact, the cognitive component is based on information or knowledge, while the influential component is based on emotions. The behavioral component shows how attitude behaves or behaves. The attitude can be positive or negative as well it depends on the favorable and unfavorable situation or conditions. Types of attitude – Positive Attitude –  Positive Attitude Those who have a positive attitude, they will pay attention to the good in people, situations, events, etc rather than bad. They will not consider the mistake or failure as an obstacle, but rather as an opportuni